Tuesday, February 17, 2009

MBA vs Startup

An MBA or your own Startup? Which would you choose?

Here is the logic I used:

1. Cost:
MBA : $100k cost of living and tuition + $120k loss of pay
Website: $20k invested - potentially lost in case of failure

2. Rewards:
MBA: Get to meet interesting people, get a great network, learn new skills and get some hands on experience too with internships
Website: Socialize with meetups and cross cultural groups to meet new people, use MBA friends to get access to great networks, learn loads of skills and test them all the time, loads of hands on experience

3. Branding:
MBA: Great branding
Website: Potentially a good brand. But no assurance

So finally, given the fact that I am also more inclined to work on my website, I decided to put my MBA on hold.

Good idea? For me - yes. For everyone? Naaah!